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Safeguards Assessments in Vanuatu

Safeguards Assessments in Vanuatu

ESG Safeguards

2019 - 2020

The objective of this assignment was to create a Strategic Environmental and Social Assessment [SESA] that assessed the potential environmental and social risks and impacts, both positive and negative, of the proposed REDD+ strategy; the development of an Environmental and Social Management Framework [ESMF], in line with Vanuatu's emerging national REDD+ strategy; and the provision of an analysis of land issues and an assessment of associated data. As part of the ESMF, management frameworks were developed for those environmental and social issues that have been identified as risks; including a management framework for resettlement if resettlement was determined to be a risk from the proposed REDD+ interventions.

Country: Vanuatu Region: Asia-Pacific
Safeguards Assessments in Vanuatu