Specialist Services | Accessing Finance
The global climate finance structure is complex and involves a variety of different financial mechanisms and actors.
Yet – climate finance is the key to delivering climate action and sustainable development.
While there is a broad range of multilateral and bilateral development funds, they often have complex requirements and processes, which means that accessing climate finance can be time and resource consuming.
CLP's unique expertise can facilitate access to change-making climate finance for your organization, ensuring cost-efficiency and sustainability.
Our roster of experts has vast experience in the mobilization and scaling up of climate finance originating from a wide variety of sources, public and private, bilateral and multilateral.
Our Specific Services
- Support for the accreditation of public and private sector entities to the Green Climate Fund (GCF);
- Preparation of funding proposals to the GCF, Global Environment Facility (GEF) and Adaptation Fund (AF);
- Preparation of readiness proposals to the GCF, GEF and AF;
- Preparation of funding proposals and/or documentation needed for demonstrating conformance with REDD+ safeguard related requirements for accessing results-based finance;
- Design and management of institutional grievance redress mechanisms; and
- Mid-term/final performance reviews of climate projects and programmes financed by climate funds and climate initiatives.
Relevant Initiatives
Independent Grievance Redress Mechanism for Organizations
Accreditation Support
Relevant Tools
Navigating the Requirements of Jurisdictional REDD+ Standards - A Guide for Jurisdictions