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Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Safeguards

Specialist Services   |   ESG Safeguards

ESG is at the heart of the CLP ethos – we believe in doing no harm and actively pursuing and delivering social, environmental, and sustainable development benefits. We work at jurisdictional and project level with our specialist roster of experts.

Our Specific Services

  • Formulation or amendment of laws, policies and institutional arrangements needed to comply with safeguards requirements and the promotion of SDGs;
  • Design and set-up of fit for purpose safeguard systems, processes and overall approaches;
  • Design and set-up information systems and/or equivalent sub-national arrangements for gathering, processing and reporting on safeguard-related information and SDGs;
  • Institutional strengthening and overall capacity building of all relevant stakeholders on ESG and SDGs;
  • Screening, categorization, assessment, management, and monitoring of potential ESG safeguard risks and impact of project activities;
  • Mapping, quantification, and monitoring of SDG contributions;
  • Design of benefit sharing arrangements; and 
  • Design of project level grievance redress mechanisms.

Relevant Initiatives

UK Technical Assistance Programme for LEAF

Jurisdictional Technical Assistance Programme

Climate Safe


Relevant Tools

Tool-Kit for Indigenous Peoples on Jurisdictional REDD Standards

Jurisdictional REDD+ Safeguards Conformance Assessment Tool-Kit