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Jurisdictional REDD+ Safeguards Conformance Assessment Tool-Kit Framework

Jurisdictional REDD+ Safeguards Conformance Assessment Tool-Kit Framework

ESG Safeguards

The Jurisdictional REDD+ Safeguards Conformance Assessment Tool-Kit offers a collaborative and robust approach to thoroughly assess the level of conformance of J-REDD programs with the safeguard requirements of relevant Jurisdictional REDD+ standards.This tool-kit is primarily addressed to in-country stakeholders involved in the design and implementation of J-REDD+ programs. This includes civil servants from jurisdictional governments, non-governmental stakeholders, civil society, and representatives of indigenous peoples and local communities.

In alignment with the minimum requirements of the Warsaw Framework for REDD+, the tool-kit covers a mapping and assessment of the following elements:

1. The Safeguard Information System

2. The J-REDD+ program’s governance arrangements that guarantee the application of the UNFCCC REDD+ safeguards

3. The REDD+ revenue distribution plan or system

4. The grievance redress mechanism(s)

5. The J-REDD+ program’s participatory approaches

6. The summary of information

The toolkit is available in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, please refer to the ‘User Guide’ to help you navigate the Tool-kit, complete the necessary questionnaires and reports, and utilize the capacity building materials.

Please note that most of the tools can be completed in an online user-friendly platform, or the entire tool-kit can be downloaded and completed offline.

This Tool-Kit is made possible by a grant from The Climate and Land Use Alliance (CLUA).


User Guide

REDD+ Safeguards: Requirements and Guidance from the UNFCCC and Jurisdictional REDD+ standards

Guia del Usuario

Salvaguardas REDD+: Requisitos y orientación de la CMNUCC y estándares jurisdiccionales de REDD+

Jurisdictional REDD+ Safeguards Conformance Assessment Tool-Kit  Framework